Thursday, June 21, 2007


I had my first experience in Pod casting. You can hear the mp3 at I hope you enjoy it. By the way, it is in Spanish!!!
I first saw this story in a travel agency in Mexico D.F. back in 1996. As I read it I felt myself flying with the wings of my vivid imagination far away to the mystic land of India. The present was gone and the anciant Hindu men from the story became alive in my mind as my consciousness expanded to embrace the whole planet.
The story fascinates me, unfortunately the author's name remains unknown.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Audio Books

The hardest part of this course has been so far finding an audiobook to download. First, I couldn't reach to the point of downloading the book following the instructions on the course. Second, I tried getting the instructions from our website and I got to the point were I can see the titles of all the audiobooks. However, finding one available for download was another story... Finally, I got one that doesn't interest me but was the only available: "Baby Love Unabridge"

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How Am I Going to Use my MP3 Player?

I will use my MP3 player as a late father's day gift for my husband, who is my coach and inspiration to keep up with this technology course. He encorages me to do the lessons every week, and he keeps asking for my progress.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Web 2.0 Course

The Web 2.0 Course is a great learning tool to update yourselve on some of the technology that is available. I find the course very helpful and easy to follow. I started the course late, but I was able to catch up, my coworkers were very nice on offerering their help. I'm enjoying this learning adventure!


I added a couple of widgets on my page

DRM Controversy

The Internet has changed the life of humankind. We no longer need to go somewhere to meet other people, read a book, watch a movie, play a game, research some information. Basically all the information, music, movie, people is available some clicks away in our leavingroom's computer.

Internet is powerful, it has even destroyed the power of the four big companies that distribute music. No matter how hard they work implementing DRM, there will be someone who can bypass that protection. The music is patrimony of humankind, it shouldn't be restricted.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I couldn't find some of the artists that I looked for on LastFM. It would be interesting to know how big is LastFM collection.


Liveplasma is very helpful to find new favorite movies, artist, etc... because it gives you the oportunity to explore within the limits of your taste. I did a search on my favorite singer for many years, Jose Luis Perales, and Liveplasma returned several singers within the same style. I was surprised because the result is a list of all my favorite singers ever, plus a few that were unknown to me, so it gives me the oportunity to wide my horizons.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I posted some picture of OCLS on Flickr. You can go to flickr and search for 101Central. I did some searches on Flickr and I found the small village where I used to spend my Summer, Sot de Chera. There is a river where you can swim that crosses the village. I remember the hot Summers and the refreshing waters of the river... I remember all my Summer friends with whom I grew up... so many memories to share come to my mind when I see this picture.


I didn't find Protopage as easy to use as it looks first sight. it can became very messy with all the tabs. I signed up and tried different things.


Lobsang, my Lasha Apso, will have his webpage by his birthday in July. I think this is a cool present for him. It's a shame that I haven't buy him a computer. That's probably in his wishlist for Christmas.

The Puzzle Player

The Puzzle Player is an excellent source to kill your time (if you have enough, not my case, unfortunately!) but I like to play sudoku, so I know where to go.


Trainco is a powerful to keep up with new year's resolutions. I hope to loose a few pounds by December with their support

My Hobbies

When I think about my hobbies it is hard to stop the flow of thought that come to my mind. I like to singing, dancing, skating, listening to old music, hanging out with friends, planting seeds, traveling to visit new lands... and a long etc... This course is showing me a lot of sites that I can visit to find information on my interests.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Book Mooch

I love the idea behind Book Mooch, it is a great concept because your trash maybe somebody's treasure! It brings me reminiscences of a market place from the Arab world, where you can dig into it and find precious pearls! and the best part is that you don't have to pay a dime to adquire what you want. It is great! If you haven't done so yet, visit the page

Youtube Experience

I feel like I was in the stone age and I have traveled into the future just by taking a look to the website youtube! I did a couple of searches on some old singers and I was very surprised when I saw a video of Jose Luis Perales, a very popular singer from Spain, singing "Navidad" in his leaving room. I have to confess that I was a little bit skeptical, it was hard to find something better than google (now you know that I am a google fan); I got from this page the video of Alejandro Fernandez and Beyonce singing "Amor Gitano" it is on the right of the page I really enjoy it. This youtube is a Wow!


I tried Grokker today, and I think it is an amusing tool for a visual person like me! I loved the zoom in and out feature. It is great!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Hi everyone! I will be sharing with you some thoughts and ideas on this space. I hope we can all grow from this blogging experience!